Random shotz
Just some random shotz of around home
Just let love in
“Please, just let love in. Tell people how you feel, and do not worry about being too much. Be too much. Care too much. Let people show...
Faith Over Fears
Every single one of us is affected by Carona virus it's like we all woke up one morning and our world was forever changed. Peoples lives...
Abusers and love the 2 do not got together
Domestic violence is not something that is talked about. Its like its a taboo subject - see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Lets...
Adulting aint easy
Nobody ever says when we’re growing up that life will be easy, but few people ever tell us just how hard it can get. Of course, why would...
Blue Moons
So I'm just going to try and attempt to write a little bit of my thoughts about this and hopefully it doesn't go terribly wrong. In the...
Living on Gods Time
It’s incredibly easy in this day and age to look around and constantly compare ourselves to other people. We feel like we’re not where we...
A writing from few years back
You turn off the lights and get under the sheets, letting your head sink into your pillow and your eyes close in the darkness. What comes...
Life A'int Always Easy but its Worth it :)
Nobody ever says when we’re growing up that life will be easy, but few people ever tell us just how hard it can get. Of course, why would...
A little piece of my soul
When you are first getting to know someone, you show them little pieces of your soul. You might not even tell them, “Be delicate, for...