Faith Over Fears
Every single one of us is affected by Carona virus it's like we all woke up one morning and our world was forever changed. Peoples lives are affected, their businesses are affected, it's not just me goin thru it were all goin thru it, Things in life have changed, and instead of pretending everything's alright I'm goin thru it just like you, just like the rest of the world is. And its not alright its sad its scary and unpredictable I'm trying my best to not let it control me or my life but ya know it has the power the power to destroy us mentally, before it ever or if it ever touches us physically, people are committing suicide, people are depressed ,being cut off from family and friends ,people are turning to drugs, kids are being abused and neglected, there is just so many changes in peoples lives, kids having to stay home and not be able to go to school, parents having to either give up their jobs to be at home with their kids or losing their jobs becuz of it ,Some are working from home, patients in Nursing homes and facilities being cut off from the outside world , People are getting laid off, small businesses are going under, family members are dying alone in hospitals , not being able to have family with them they are dying alone scared not knowing what's going on,, some are being buried not even allowed to attend the funerals, Imagine watching some one you loves funeral on a screen,,, Nurses and Doctors on the front lines working longer hours than they have probably ever worked, some having to watch their patients suffer and die each shift they work, all we can do is focus on the things we can control and pray about the things that we just cant, because when we focus on all the bad goin on all the things we cant control worry takes over, stress takes over, anxiety sets in and this virus takes us over even more, especially mentally, when we break down mentally everything else starts falling apart, maybe if we make our perspective our power instead of fear becoming our prison. As hard as it is there has been good things from it, more are spending time with family since we can't go out and do things like we did before, maybe its helped you create a better idea of how you want life to be, were all gonna find out what kinda strength comes out of this struggle when were all feeling powerless to overcome this, I hope it shows us all more compassion for those around us, that none of us are as good as we think we are I don't care how rich you are how poor you are were all one struggle away from our lives changing completely, so do this next time you meet a person that has cancer think about them becuz their life completely changed when they found out they had it, next time you see somebody in a wheelchair think about how much their life changed when they couldn't walk again ,If you see a homeless person don't judge them maybe they had something bad happen to them to put them on the street we never know a persons story a persons struggles we just never know,,,All of this should help each and every one of us have Empathy for people cuz ya'll none of us are bullet proof, none of us are perfect and none of us are any different when it comes to this virus , like I said before it does not care what color we are what religion we are who we voted for as President, how much money we have none of that matters , and if we learn one thing from all of this let it be Faith over fears let our hardest times build your strongest faith ,hard times will always reveal your true faith not just in what's goin on around us but what's goin on inside us more than anything ,We are all in a place we have never been in before that none of us ever imagined we would be in but we are and instead of cutting one another down over not wearing a mask we should all be helping one another to slow this down so we can gain some control and regain some of the life we had before Carona,,we can't control the future but we can all control what we do each day and showing kindness to those around is one of those things , Kindness Empathy Compassion these things have never killed anyone and they wont now either All things given are returned think about it...