Wish I had known this 20 yrs ago
I think most of the fear of growing up comes from our belief that we are not living up to our potential, not doing the best with the time...
Blahs :(
It's the first day of Fall and I have the BLAHS :( I wanna hang onto the sunshine , my flipflops, my fishing pole, the smell of the...
My dream as a Disney Princess
When I could understand Disney movies, I would play pretend and act like a Disney princess everywhere I went. This gave way to my goal of...
I could use a distraction and the noise of the engine. Its rumblin' would at least be a break From these thoughts screaming and your...
Watching a plane
Just layin here watching a plane :)
Maybe we hurt Who we love the most, Maybe it's all we can stand. Maybe we walk through the world as ghosts, Break my own heart before you...
No rights to Judge
I once knew a guy who made a lot of money. He saw the world as a series of value propositions. Everything from what holiday vacation to...
Meet Miss Daisy she is a 3 yr old heiffer that I bottle fed after her Momma died, Me and Papa had been out checking fence and found her...
Slow dancing to life
I watched the show Bones the other day, and there was a line that caught my attention. “Sometimes you just have to dance to the music...
Grilling Sauce 1 Cup of Apple Butter 1/2 Cup of Ketchup 1/2 Cup of your favorite Hot Sauce. ( I used Orange Krush Habanero Sauce and...