Lifes a storm
Life is a War,,,And theres people out there and there are things out there, that are always gonna try and take you down..Things are gonna go wrong...And when things go wrong sometimes it's pretty easy to say..I'm gonna back down or I'm gonna just give up..and you can do that I could do that...but I think NO, NO just keep fighting..and you fight and you fight and you keep fighting.. No matter what. And you never quit ever! And if you feel like your life is in a place where you just can't get any lower, And you don't think you can find any way out, Good cuz that means the ultimate challenge is ahead of you, it means theres only one way and thats Up And it also means things are gonna be tough real tough. Maybe tougher than anything you can imagine, but the storm that your in, from your point of view , it feels like that storm is affecting the entire world, but I can tell you its not..the storm youre in is so dam hard to see a way out of it.It's hard to see past it, its hard because it feels like its the only thing in your life. But is isn't ! And it won't last forever, you can get out of that storm, And you will get out I hope and see the Sun..but your being tried, your being forged, your being tested, by life , by its fire by its pain,that's the test, don't fail the test,don't give in, don't give up. don't ever quit fighting, Fight thru the storm, fight thru the pain and come out on the other side, stronger and tougher more resilient, and better for having gone thru the storm, A fighter a Survivor,A winner, and free from that storm, free from the darkness it put you in, Free..Life can be hard .But you know what it's the one life we have got, never allow another person to take that life from you , live the life that allows you to look back at what you have gone thru, and say HELL YES ! I did it , I made it to the other side,Its not easy its dam hard changing your life, you cant ignore the past you cant ignore the pain from it it does not go away,you cant just wake up one day and it not be there , it will be there it will smack you wide awake every chance it gets.. you can t hide it, it seems to ooze out of every ounce of your being at times,it will haunt you and they sooner you can deal with it the sooner you take back your life..the sooner you can start to feel fulfillment, to allow yourself to live the life you dreamed of. the only way is thru it not around it , one day at a time, there will be people in your life that will make all the cloudy days sunny again, and the storm leaves damage but it can be repaired , just don't give up. Cuz the SUN is waiting to come out on your side of life