Just some jibberish
I don't know if you know this about me or not, but I'm not like, THE MOST professional writer out there.
This operation is basically just Jesus, me and my ole iPhone (which for months was so cracked I could barely read the screen) thanks to a 2000 lb horse I happen to love ♥ so got a new one and I also updated to a tablet.... I don't have an editor. I don't even know whether that period belongs on the inside or outside of that parenthesis, and I honestly do not care. English is a ridiculous language. (Seriously? You want to start the word pneumonia with a silent "p?" Bonkersville. Malarkey. Horse manure. Whack.)
I do 75% of my writing at off the wall hours when the rest of the normal people are sleeping,,,, and the other 25% sitting in my car in a parking lot somewhere.
All that just to let you know that I accidentally deleted the post I wrote tonight while I was making my family a gourmet meal. Okay...so it wasn't gourmet, so much as some fried chicken and mashed taters and of course mac and cheese for THA WIN with Emms..
My bad. It’s happened before and it will happen again. Nobody is allowed to be surprised when it does.
I'll post it again tomorrow evening if I can get out of my lazy funk. We'll see, but I make no promises.
❤️ But for tonight, let's just make a big, giant thread of the best advice our mothers (Nana) ever gave us.
Thanks for sticking with me. I genuinely don’t know why you do. I would’ve bailed a long time ago, but you are clearly much better people than I am, and I love you for it.