Emmas Joke
My Sweet lil Emma either made up or stole this joke and either way, I’m crazy proud, because it’s comedy gold, and good for her for recognizing it. She is more like me than I had even thought...Somebody call the popsicle stick people, or Laffy Taffy or someone because it belongs somewhere other than just this page. Kids these days Shaking my Head are just too funny and smart...
Wanna hear it?so her joke wanna hear it?????
Too bad, you’re gonna.
- Why didn’t the toilet paper cross the road?
- Why?
- Cause it got stuck in a crack.
That’s it, guys. That’s all I have. I’m done. Good night and I love ya, and I’ll see ya soon. If I tried to top that joke, it would really stink in comparison. It would clearly come in number two place.
<Lame like me but hey you got to admit is dam funny :)