Stay weird :)
All my life I’ve heard the same thing over and over, “Why can’t you be… Normal?” really people have to ask me that hmmm:) think about it, everything in life has its risks including (and especially) being ‘Normal.’ Most of us understand there’s risk when taking the chance and aspiring to something more. But even more are ignorant of the cost of Normal, the cost of not taking chances, and the risk of complacency....It has become easy to buy into the “be like us” mentality and lead a life handed down, blindly accepting the cost of unfulfilled dreams and a continually shrinking comfort zone. We wake up down the road frustrated that we’ve lived our life according to someone else’s order, living one of Thoreau’s “Lives of quiet desperation.” It’s a life half lived with all the basics—the car, the house—but without the weird potential. The road to normal is well-paved and even has rush hours. But weird? Weird is a solitary path.There’s a verse from a popular American gospel song that we all know that says, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine…” It’s a beautiful sentiment, but the problem is that most of us we don’t let our light shine—and for two reasons: it’s too EASY and it’s too HARD. It’s too easy because it’s “little,” it’s familiar to us. We let go of our own talents and don’t see the value of what’s in front of our face. Or weirdness is old news, and not interesting to us. It’s too hard because once we recognize our gift, we now have put it out into the world. We have to trust our weirdness and present it—for the public, for the critics—and we each live in fear that someone may not like it.I often see first-hand the fear some have of their weirdness. Inevitably I have to take one or two of ‘em aside and point out to them that they are funny, smart, and awesome just as they are. Owning up to your weirdness isn’t about making it big and deciding who will play you in your life story. It’s about the courage to be who you were born to be. You don’t quit being you because others cant see the bigger picture,,, Your weirdness is the source of your character and creative powers. Weird is who we are, the best parts, not perfect, not trying—just yourself. I believe we were all born wildly creative—some of us just forgot. You need only to accept nature’s call of greatness in order to invent, to create, to dance—to put something new into the world. And when you accept it and start to believe in your gifts—that’s when things get really weird.That’s when others are inspired by your cause to be weird,,. That’s when you find those people, that audience, who accept you not because you’re weird or different, but for who you really are. You create the potential for shared humanity, and allow others to see their struggle reflected in yours. Ultimately you hear that glorious refrain; “Oh, you’re weird? I thought I was the only one!” This is how our tribes are are formed. This is how relationships are formed. This is how you find your people.The things that made you weird as a kid, make you great today. Accepting that weirdness is a hard personal choice, but quite frankly, exciting and enriching. We don’t do it for the reward or the success but for our own freedom and to light the way for others to just your soul your mind your life ...Accept it, you’re weird. If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know just how amazing life and you can be :)