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It all begins with Love

I Can’t Take it Anymore:

The school shootings.

The political divide.

The racial tension.

The sexual abuse.

The hurt.

The pain.

The anger.

The misplaced fear.

The wars overseas.

The wars at home.

The bullying on the playground.

The bullying from behind the safety of the computer screen.

The bullying from places of power.

Belittling people we disagree with.

Refusing to work with people on the opposite side.

The hate.

I can’t take it anymore.

I don’t have all of the answers. I wish I did. I wish these were the words that would spark a revolution and ignite change in the hearts of politicians to preachers to the guy on the street.

But the truth is, I don’t have all of the antibiotics. I don’t have all of the keys. I don’t have all of the cures and the erasers and the spells to make it all magically disappear into a puff of thin air and hopes and dreams.

But I do know this: it starts with me and with you and with the conversations we have with our kids at bedtime. I know it starts with us being kind to our neighbors. I know it starts with us doing a better job of keeping our mouths shut and our ears open. I know it starts with us being careful what we post.

I know it starts with us taking a stand for what we believe in, and making the time to sit down with our families at the kitchen table. I know it starts with letters and rallies and reading up on the real issues.

I know it starts with us calling a friend who is hurting, and calling out injustice the moment we see it happening. I know it starts with us being soft with people’s hearts, and hard on the issues that set our souls on fire.

I know it starts with us refusing to tolerate hate in even the smallest of ways. I know it starts with us calling it out every time we see it, or hear it, or come in contact with it. I know it starts with us shutting down every time a person or group is put down for the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, or their religious beliefs.

I know it starts with us stretching outside of our comfort zones and reaching out to the man on the corner. I know it starts with us feeding the hungry. I know it starts with us giving to the poor. I know it starts with us making room at the table for the weary and the restless and the broken-hearted.

I know it starts with us praying desperately and fervently. And after we pray, I know it starts with us going out there and getting messy and actually doing the things God has called us to do.

I know it starts with us opening our eyes and admitting there is a problem and being brave enough to change things. I know it starts with us refusing to back down even when the headlines have moved onto something new.

If not us, then who? If not now, then when? If not here, then where? If not for our children, then for whom?

I know it starts with us leading in love for all men, because it always, always, always starts with love.

I can’t take it anymore, and maybe I can’t change the whole world today, but I can change the small world around me, so I plan on doing just that. I hope you’ll do the same.

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