Letter to my younger self
Yes, I mean you! I just popped in to let you know that everything is going to be okay. Trust me. But first, you should know that your plans to conquer the world are not going to happen. Fortunately, some much better things are in store for you, but you are too blinded by your own ambition to see that right now. Stop worrying about what other people think and be who you want to be, not who you think your peers expect you to be. Forgiveness. This is a tough one for you, but the bitterness will only weigh you down. Let go of the anger you feel towards those kids who poke fun at you. Embrace your individuality – it will be the ticket to your success one day! “Not popular”, you say? Pssh. It won’t be of any value. (Except in Wicked… wait and see. It’s amazing!) You don’t really want to be like them. You are way too awesome for that. And, my dear, that person who made you feel worthless and small inside was wrong. And besides, inner beauty outlives physical beauty every time. As you already know, there is a special kind of friends that clear your mind of negative thoughts – books. Read whatever you can. From tingling classic Charles Dickens to modern “hard to put down” 50 Shades of Gray...There will be so many poignant, thought-provoking, suspenseful, upbeat, spell-binding and mesmerizing books available to you! I cannot wait for you to read the end of the Harry Potter series. You will laugh, gasp, and cry. Enjoy every page of it. It will be the only first time you get to read it. You will never be too old for Disney movies. Period. Oh, if only I could tell you about all the amazing and geeky tv-shows you will discover! (So many randoms, so little time.)Oh. Work on your voice! Write. And laugh. Go for a walk and then sing some more. No, I’m not kidding. People will hear you. You will be heard. And with that, opportunities will come and go. Of course, at one point your opera-singing studies are going to be a somewhat uphill battle. But in all this misfortune you will find peace when you realize it all happens the way it was supposed to. In many ways your life will be like the second wave in a set (You will only understand when you get there). Second waves in a set somehow are always a bigger more adventurous ride. Everybody goes for the first, and most of your friends will make it on the first wave. But, just know that the second wave is grand, and more often than not, a hell of a ride. Appreciate the time you have with your family. Memorize their laughter and sincere happiness. Don’t ever be afraid to express your love for them. You will miss that. And let relationships run their course. Your heart will be broken. You will feel betrayed. I’m sorry to say that this will happen, but you have been developing into the confident and wonderful person you were meant to be. It is okay to let them go when the time comes. The friends you will make are FANTASTIC! They just love you! Know why? Because you are worth loving. At this time in your life, you had have met a loyal friend whose friendship you will enjoy “till the cows come home” (Okay. Time to stop embarrassing you with my goofy wording). About five years later, you will meet another one who will be like a soul sister to you when the time comes. And she will help you find your smile again. You will finally have someone who will spaz out like you over things. So much fun awaits.Youwill have true friends from whom you can learn much. Never ever think that you are alone. I won’t lie, you will feel alone and lonely sometimes. Yes, there will be darkness. But it will pass. It all does. Everything does. You have survived the worst of it. Cancer is in remission, theman who caused you so much pain is no longer a threat and best of all I will be here with you always.Life will continue to throw curve balls at you and to this day it still does, but what matters is how you react to them. So accept the journey as it is and let it take its course. You are going to travel to far and astonishing places. You are going to be in touch with many people and you are going to give them hope. So keep your hopes up! Smile. Everything’s going to be just fine, and more than that. Enjoy your youth. Welcome your doubts but be not afraid. You are in a most precious phase of your life. Make beautiful memories. Laugh more often. Sing as much as you could possibly enjoy.even if the dogs want to howl aglong sing :) Tomorrow will take care of itself. Let your today be the vessel of joy you hold within your heart. And remember, each experience is a small piece of a precious puzzle, of your meaningful self. With great admiration,
Your Older Self.
PS You were given this life becasue God knew you were strong enought to live it and over come it, never forget that no matter wherel ife takes you.