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Stay True to Yourelf

Sometimes it feels like people have no life of their own and some how they wanna focus on yours,There are different types of people, they type that doesn't always see the world as you do and sometimes they try and make u think differently and then there are those that regardless of their own opinions will support you in your beliefs, Unfortunately these people are rare and almost non existent.. Today's reality can be sad and depressing,there are political issues,financial crisis, suicides, drug abuse, child abuse and so many other things, there are realist, pessimist and opportunist, Opportunist are the few,Dreamers they are the ones that have the strongest faith and hope for a better life and a better world, I happen to be a dreamer, sometimes they do come true and there are times when Dreams are all you have to hang onto to get you thru hard times. I believe every single person no matter how bad they may seem , has some good in them, you may have to look deep to find it, but it's there. I believe everybody's actions comes from a justified heart and not just by a justified reason for those actions. Sometimes people try and change you and shape your personality to fit the "so called" standards, sometimes this can be a mistake on others part and it leads to parting of ways, The influence of others opinions of you does matter and is a big impact, no matter who or what you are there is always a part of you that listens to those opinions, sometimes this can lead to lack of self confidence, stress and sometimes more, it can lead to mistakes that were dictated by others, It takes a tremendous amount of strength and courage to stand up for our selves against others sometimes it means standing alone and fight your own battles in your own way. By far these are not the best of times in your life and it may seem easier sometimes to just follow the flow and be like everybody else but I don't think it's the way to be, I think in the end it's much easier just to be the person you are and do things the way you feel is best for you. God didn't give us this chance to live to take the easy roads in life, Life is your biggest challenge and if your here and alive he knows you have what it takes to make it thru. So why choose and easy road and undermine yourself, your values and what you believe in just to be like someone else. Lead your own life, it's what it was given to you for!!!There are things in life that none of us will ever be able to understand or explain no matter how hard we try,and all these details make us who we are, I guess the point is don't forget the simple pleasures of life, smile to a stranger, dancing to your favorite song, the sounds of laughter, tears of joy, the beauty of all around us we sometimes forget to be thankful for and u may find your life to be a lil better than the day before. Take time to realize time spent wasted on hating someone can very well be time spent on loving some one who deserves that time of yours. For the ones who try and change you from the person you are , distance yourself from them,and keep the faith that you are the person you are for a reason, God's reason. Life is way too short to try and figure out out how it all works, So make every day count, believe in hopes and dreams, those are things no one can take away from you unless you let them. Each and everyone of us create memories and feelings that will last a lifetime and stays in your heart forever, same goes for things others have said and done good or bad they stay with you sometimes forever.

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