Success to me is this
Many people think they want to accomplish what other successful people have in life. They see the worldly achievements, but seldom consider that many such achievements are constructs of the false world. They believe they want those things, and when they focus on them, to their bewilderment, those very things move out of their reach. My version of success is that my life is full, purposeful, beautiful and boundless. I attribute this success to my spirituality, good health, and community of positive relationships which have all come to me, as a creation of choice. Success comes from finding your center and self. I own my time and command the space of my beingness — a space where I am allowed to grow into my true, unique nature. Success is a spiritual process, not a worldly one; that is to say it is an internal process, and not external. It is a process of peeling off the layers of conditioning, becoming your essential truth, and living the inner-life. Success is therefore a process of honesty and oftentimes, also courage. Fortuantely I see myself as lifetime student of the world, the seeds of softness and sensitivity had been sown in my soul by wiser, gentler hands, and I found my way to a more graceful understanding of the true nature of success and power. My understanding evolved from the outer realm of control, materialism and ego in my youth, to the inner realm of surrender, spirituality and compassion of today. In this context surrender is not a weakness, but rather an empowering state of humility — the humility necessary for self-realization and living a life of purpose. There are graceful ways of accessing your purpose and success, with time, invitation, gentleness, cooperation and surrender. When one learns to focus energy through surrender and sensitivity, they become free, and can access the expansiveness of endless possibility. To say it another way, the art of surrender is the art of getting out of the way of your own growth. Your greater purpose is already written in the fabric of your being; your purpose awaits your arrival. You need not strive to become your greater purpose. When you release the illusion of control, you begin an effortless free-fall toward a grand reunion with your original self; a self uncorrupted by the world's false lessons of fear, control and limitations. Your true purpose is to become your own unique self, and to do so with happiness and freedom from fear. You are a unique and beautiful expression of the mysterious gift of life and creation. Beyond the clumsy, brute force tools of will, determination and hard work — and free from the heavy attachment of want, and the illusions of burden and blocks, is the true technology of creation through beingness. The true creator-self is a light-at-heart and care-free child, who accesses destiny as a simple act of joyful play. Your life is meant to be filled with beauty and joy. A life of success comes from seeking a life of beauty. I call this journey, walking on the beautiful path. The beautiful path is not a place outside of yourself, but rather a place you carry within you everywhere you go. It is the place you want to be to re-center. It is the garden of peace you seek, but it is not a tangible place that exists in the world — it is within. Go there, within. The sweet pleasure of your own joy and success is a cultivation of both the heart and mind. To move forward, simply set your intentions, be grateful for what you have, be open to what is possible, and the rest will happen, as a beautiful and effortless journey of cooperation and listening. There is no greater path than the act of listening, because the observer who listens can begin to see themselves as a part of one expression of purpose and beingness. Life is always speaking to us at every moment. The subtle whispers, cues and nudges are there as guideposts, to gently carry the humble listener along the path back to the source and the true self. Always choose to trust yourself and your ability to listen. Listen to your intuition and the quiet promptings of your heart. Let it all go and enjoy the profound gifts found in your quiet places. These gifts are your birthright. Everything you wish to "create" is already there, waiting for you. The master action to move forward, is a form of inaction; being still and quiet. It is in this quietness you can hear your intuition. Too much aggression and work will move what you desire further away. The most effective form of creation is an act of cooperation, not force. All things are accomplished by the meditative act of releasing illusions and simply becoming. The master tools of success are invitation, patience, time, gentleness, cooperation and surrender. Let go of everything. That is how you get everything; you let go of everything. When we try to control, we become controlled; when we release, we become free. Success, just like poverty, is a state of mind. You can become instantly successful with a simple thought, but long-lasting and pronounced success comes to those who renew their commitment to a mindset of abundance every minute of every hour of every day. If you are reading this, then you are likely on your own journey to uncover your unique vision of success in life. You are seeking, and that is wonderful. Every moment you are open, as a humble student, you are surrounded with infinite possibilities of choice. As a powerful creator, your potential success only awaits the genesis of thought. But sometimes we all need a little guidance, . I deeply hope you are able to uncover and live your dreams.