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Learn from the expe

riences you live in your life, and be willing to learn from the mistakes you have made. Never worry about the judgment of another person matter who that person is, you are no less than anyone else either!In order to take your dreams seriously, you must first be willing to take yourself seriously. Figure out who you really are, what your passionate about, and how you will show the world that you were here by the time you leave it. As Tupac Shakur said "Never stop dreaming, because no one can ever take away your dreams." We should all live for something that we cannot live without; something that is so passionate inside of us that we would die for its cause knowing that it would make the world a better place. We have all been given talent, some more than others, but no one's better than anyone else's. We must put to use as best we can all of our talents, gifts, blessings, in order to see our dreams become realities,In order to live our lives without limits we must be willing to never let our imaginations die, and we must never forbid ourselves from dreaming at least a little bit every day. Without our dreams we have nothing in our lives to reach for or to go after. Without our dreams we would have no need for qualities like determination, motivation, and drive. Without our dreams we would not have life period. Nobody said that life would be easy, but the true measure of a ​ person ​lies in how they recover from their failures and defeats, and not the actual defeat itself. When you find yourself in t ough​ times remember that in all things it is better to hope than to despair. Don't let the challenges and the obstacles that you face in life deter you from the victories and the blessings that you know you deserve. Keep your faith in God and in yourself as well, follow your heart, and always keep hope alive in everything that you do!Nothing in life is impossible if you aren't willing to give up. In finding ourselves in this world, one big truth that we must accept and hold tight to, is the fact that anything great that has been done in this world, was at one point thought of as an impossibility. ​We should laugh at impossibilities, and never let what someone says, or what someone believes limit our beliefs or limit our own dreams. We have to be able to get into our own flow in life, believe in ourselves, and work hard to make what is in our dreams become what we see in our everyday lives. Remember that what everyone else says is impossible, is just a lesson in life that we haven't all learned or understood thoroughly yet, one day you will be the teacher! Don't live to be understood and liked for following the norm, live life to accelerate this world towards peace, understanding, and pure harmony between one another. ​To sum it all up I guess Never give up or give in on the things you yourself as a person believe can happen, because as long as you keep the dream alive there's a chance for it to happen.

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