Just Me
How many times each day do you mean to say one thing, and say another instead, because you’re worried about what others might think? How often do you wake up in the morning with one idea in mind for what you want to accomplish, only to find yourself doing something else because of social pressures or personal anxieties?Do you dress the way you want to dress? Do you listen to the music you really like, or do you follow the herd? Are you working the job of your dreams, or the job of someone else’s dreams? In this industrial era, a lot of things are mass produced. It is harder than ever to be yourself when others want you to be mass produced too. But no lifetime, no matter how successful, will be truly rewarding or happy if you cannot learn to love yourself and be yourself. And while it may seem harder than ever now, these quotes about being yourself come from famous writers, philosophers, businesspersons, and celebrities throughout history who have struggled to find their identity, just like you and just like myself. Just being yourself make it clear that the struggle to determine your own identity and live the life that is most real in your heart is an age-old fight. But just as others have risen to the challenge, you too can learn how to be yourself, standing tall and proud.“Faithless To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation, I am proud to say I'm not one to follow the crowd , and I don't intend to start now . :)I don’t want to change myself for the expectations of people around me; I don’t want to act like an innocent person just to say that I’m good. Just be real as being you…you know why? It’s better to hate me for who I am than to love me for whom I pretend to be