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Those amazing flakes

can’t imagine what could be more elegant than the beauty of the imposing trees covered with a coating of ice that sparkles in the sun – maybe the silence of a newly fallen snow. Just the silence and the snow that cracks underfoot like broken mirror-glass reflecting cold faces and back again folding inward into paleness. There is just one kind of creatures that can compete with it, and that are the tiny black flakes of music notes. No matter how small these flakes are, they have this enormous ability to turn those cold faces into curious and dreamy ones. I believe that these flakes, whether black or white, give us the opportunity to discover and choose their color, tone, inspiration and joy. They leave us the free space to create our own shades of life.

Today, I realized that we are not grateful enough for things in life. Every day that we choose to get out of bed in the morning we are at risk – at risk of something happening to us, of something changing in our lives. People tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. I too needed a moment to breathe, to let go, and remind myself that this very moment is the only one I know I have for sure. Who knows what is going to happen, so therefore I am going to give it my all. The wonderful thing about this life that I have chosen for the moment is that no matter where it takes me, no matter where I end up on my journey I will have had the immense privilege of spending time with music. I am having to learn the most beautiful languages, how to work with others, and probably the most fulfilling – having to try becoming a real student of life and music! But there is still a hope that I once gain the same kind of determination, strength and capability of handling any situation as that wise opera singer who taught me all those incredible lessons. However, it all wouldn’t be complete without the last one and that is the opportunity that I am having to communicate in the only way that music can – with beauty and honesty. It may very well be the only “light” in what is sometimes a very difficult world. So, don’t be afraid of flakes washing away the dust of strange life. On the contrary, stare at the silence around yourself, and at what comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible – music. Listen from it, and learn from it. Play the game of life, and try to make it better each and every day.

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